Devlog #4: Story Changes, Word Count

I made some changes to the story, in my previous prototype I made a bunch of characters that didn't really impact the story much. So now they're more involved with what happens and will make the game more interesting.

Character notes?:

Jessica Anderson: Late 20's, protagonist, homicide investigator,  down to earth, can be sarcastic at times, really loves food.  Late 20's. Federal agent, homicide investigator. She's more logical to solving investigations even if she has to wait for evidence. Jessica gets social fatigued easily and has to go on holiday often due to dealing with - PR, news reporters and interns. Loves food.

Quentin Sinclair: Missing guy of the story, said to be close with Jessica.

Marlo: Early 20's, intern at the Federal Bureau working under Jessica. She's a bifauxnen who is very affectionate with Jessica. Early 20's. An intern working under Jessica, is clingy and affectionate.

Bill: Late 20's around Jessica's age, went to the same highschool and university as Jessica. He seems to have good deductive skills and likes to ask many questions, but he seems to be mysterious himself.

Steve: Early 30's,  joined the Federal Bureau around the same time as Jessica. He's kind of rude, a showoff and likes to annoy Jessica.  Early 30's. The funny/chill colleague, is direct with solving investigations.


To speed up my game production, I basically write as much of my branching dialogue into Twine (it's free). I find it's easier to keep track of and if I need to proofread I use google docs then put it all into Ren'Py. (there's a better method)

For the next days I'll be focusing on meeting a huge word count, found out about the lint tool within Ren'Py. So far I have 1,206 words which is 9.3 minutes worth of reading time, according to Convert Words to Time . Hoping to get an hour worth of gameplay.

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