Devlog #7: Progress

Simple opening credits, IF I have time I'll like to get a proper horror logo.


Ok 3k words, not sure if I'll meet the 1hr playtime but i'll try lol.


I managed to divide my code, to have better control over my work. I was feeling overwhelmed having everything in one single script, then I realized other devs have been splitting up their code. Here's what my files look like, I organized it by scenes in the story^^

I found an easier workflow to speed up my coding, which is to: dump everything in notepad++ and use the spellcheck plugin instead of google docs, then put it in Ren'Py.

I also learnt how jump commands work.  I created two types of menus for making choices: one where you can only choose one option out of two, and another where you can choose multiple options and the game remembers and hides the choices you have made.



I found some sfx to use for my game from taira-komori it has a good range. I'm not quite sure how to record my own sounds but it's something I'll research more into for next time.

BUT the music is what I made myself! I hope to create an album of all the music I make, when I get around to finishing everything. I've been learning how to make chiptunes and FM synthesis, I'm still a beginner at it but feel very motivated to finish music pieces for this game.


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